Reducing Turnover: How Hiring Can Make a Difference

March 22, 2023

We can trace ways to reduce a company’s turnover rate back to the very beginning of each employee’s journey. Companies can set the pace for their performance by hiring candidates who display an affinity for collaboration and teamwork. Granted, not all roles require such an approach, as some responsibilities tend to be very independent.

Even if the role is independent, knowing that your candidate is a team player is one of the top factors that makes them valuable assets. Teamwork can set the pace for work performance later on. People who display collaborative traits, those who are easier to work with, have shown to perform better because of it.

There is a solid undeniable causality between the social aspects of teamwork and improving overall company performance. A candidate that can maintain social interaction and who possesses job-specific skills and experience is an extremely valuable addition to the roster. This somewhat changes the recipe for the hiring process, in order to target a special tier of candidates.

Top Reasons for Employee Turnover

There are undoubtedly many reasons that lead to candidates leaving your company. It doesn’t necessarily negatively portray the work environment or the company but this is extremely common for businesses with undefined processes, poor time management, absence of company culture, or even rude behavior by the water cooler.

The point is, both the employer and the candidate can find a range of reasons to not work together.

But if you’re witnessing a trend, an exodus if you will, of one candidate after another simply refusing to stay on board despite your final offer, something isn’t right. Sometimes it’s role-specific, a scenario in which the candidate is not satisfied with their responsibilities, aren’t impressed with the work they’re doing, and so on. Most commonly, however, toxic company culture, poor management skills/style, and uncomfortable work environments are the real problems.

Employee turnover can be a very big issue, especially for companies hoping to reach certain milestones within a certain timeframe. Not having a core team available, or if recruitment for a crucial role drags on a little too long, this can be catastrophic. Employee turnover is something that you reduce by optimizing almost every front of your company, beginning with recruiting candidates that display at a few key characteristics.


Communication at the office can keep operations running smoothly. Lack of communication, however, can cause chaos and time loss to overwhelm the company. This covers misplaced documents and data, uncommunicated tasks, employees overlooking a colleague’s critical contribution, and so on. However, candidates that display advanced communication skills can be the pillar of maintaining order. In fact, a team of communicative professionals is all the better.

These individuals pop out during the interview. Though some might take some time to showcase this trait with everyone at the office, it’s most noticeable upon the first contact. The way a candidate speaks during the interview, how they articulate their thoughts, how they move or sit, are all signs of whether they are the blend of skill & communication that you need. They will always ask the good questions, speak directly through a problem, and answer queries wherever they can. These professionals are in a “What can I do to help the team” state of mind, giving them the potential to pioneer real change in the company.

Collaboration & Productivity

Though manpower isn’t all that makes a company tick, it’s a very necessary factor. Most importantly, focusing manpower on problem-solving and collaborative thought can get things done a lot faster. Having hundreds of employees doing the same thing might yield results, but pairing people who have a good understanding of teamwork both in value and execution is the best way to go.

One of the tangible differences between generations is seen in how the younger candidates perceive teamwork as part of the unit’s continued success. These candidates always prefer to bounce ideas off each other, to reach conclusions by sharing the process that gets them there, with communication and social tools, innovative workplace ideas for interaction, and so on. Professionals of the older generation, however, tend to prefer working independently unless absolutely necessary.

This is why we put great value on finding this particular trait in all the candidates we reach out to at JB Hired. We track our candidates post-placement and it has become clear over the years that even the best of resumes does not compare to work ethic and collaborative initiative.

We already know that passion for teamwork is one of those traits that simply make the office a better place. Evidence suggests that candidates who have an affinity for collaboration, have the potential to take your company even further while transforming the workplace into a more effective environment.

Every company should keep communication and teamwork as core recruitment traits. This goes for your management team just as much as it does new hires. Not only that, creating and maintaining a healthy and exciting company culture can be the difference between high turnover rates and employee loyalty. Candidates who fit the bill, however, are harder to find in the midst of a pandemic than ever before.

In case you’re looking for qualified talent to help you on this aspect, get in touch with JB Hired and source the talent your digital transformation needs!

Sunset Kaewburesai

I’m Sunset, an executive search and headhunting expert with over five years of experience at JB Hired. My passion lies in connecting top talent with leading organizations. When I’m not actively headhunting for my clients, I love leveraging my industry expertise to create insightful content. Through my writing, I aim to empower professionals, share valuable industry trends, and help businesses excel in talent acquisition.